Google Notebook LM - AI

Google’s NotebookLM Transformed Our Investment Deck into a Realistic Podcast

If it’s been a while since you were last impressed by the latest AI development, get ready to be blown away.

I just finished testing Google’s NotebookLM, currently available in an “experimental” format from Google Labs. At its core, NotebookLM functions as a research assistant. You can upload documents, ask questions, request summaries, generate FAQs, and even create Study Guides. But the feature that truly amazed us is called Audio Overviews. This tool allows users to create a podcast featuring two natural-sounding AI hosts who will discuss the material you uploaded.

I was initially skeptical, expecting the interactions to feel mechanical or predictable, maybe natural only if the material covered current events or topics typically heard in a podcast. So, to test the Audio Overview feature, I uploaded IA Global Venture’s standard investment deck—nothing else. It’s a 14-page deck, heavy on graphics. Importantly, the podcast is based solely on the material you upload, with no external web sources.

Considering the service is still in its experimental stage and the relatively dry content I provided, I was blown away by the outcome. You can listen to the podcast here:

IA Global Ventures Investor Deck Cover Image


Honestly, I think it explains what we do at IA Global Ventures better than I ever could—and in a much more engaging way!

I highly recommend giving NotebookLM a try with your own content. Let us know how it goes!